Aceh housewives chase Gen. Sjafrie
TAKENGON, Central Aceh: Maj. Gen. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin has become a celebrity among housewives in the war torn province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Despite a tight schedule accompanying Military Chief Gen. Endriartono Sutarto during his recent visit to the province, Sjafrie, also formerly the Jakarta Military commander, had to spend time posing with Acehnese women wanting their photo taken with him.
He was busy looking after his fans when Central Aceh regent Mustafa Tami's wife, along with several other women, approached him pretending to be shy and asked whether they could be photographed with him.
When one picture had been taken, another group of women, who acted like teenaged girls, asked him for the same favor even though it was close to midnight.
He was only saved when the local photographer said that there was no more film in his camera.
"It's a difficult situation for me ... I mean if housewives are crazy about me, it could cause problems," Sjafrie said, smiling.--JP
* Published by The Jakarta Post on August 21, 2002